This is the story of three scientist friends, who find life too beautiful and too short at the same time. They are strongly convinced that aging is not inevitable and are determined to be a part of this revolution. In order to change the world they need a plan, a team… and they are ready.
Why is information so important?
Research aiming to understand and fight human aging has been evolving quickly over the past few years. Like other researchers in the field, we think there already are among our generation, or possibly the next one, the first people who won’t be condemned to die of aging anymore.
However, the miracle rejuvenation pill is not there yet. The first treatments won’t be easy to come by, which is why finding reliable information is so important. Our research teams are working hard to provide the Long Long Life community with information that will allow you to make wise choices concerning treatments to take to extend your lifespan.
Eventually, we aim to accelerate current research projects against aging – see the “Projects” page for a description of our past and current research projects.
Can I contribute to the Long Long Life community?
Absolutely! Long Long Life is more than an information website, it is a community of people who think that in the 21st century, death might not be inevitable, and that we can become actors of our lifespan. Whether you would like to help us, give us a piece of advice, or show your support, you are more than welcome: join us.
Feeling curious? We are also available to answer any question you may have, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our founding team
Research work doesn’t come cheap. Before we could afford to start up Long Long Life, we created several private research companies, and especially ELVESYS and its Microfluidic Innovation Center, back when we were at the École Normale Supérieure of Paris in 2011.
This company, specialized in microfluidics, aims to accelerate anti-aging research by all means. Today, much to our delight, this is a thriving company which gathers more than twenty people, especially scientists who work in our Parisian laboratory in collaboration with about thirty research laboratories in Europe.
The Long Long Life founding team is mostly composed of former researchers in physics and biology. We come from different backgrounds, CNRS, ENS Paris, École Polytechnique, Curie Institute, or the Pasteur Institute, and we all share the common goal that sparked Long Long Life: to accelerate research against aging and to make the information available to everyone.
The amount of information will be so important, that sorting and having a reliable information will demand a considerable amount of work even for a good research team.
Long Long Life founding team

Dr. Guilhem Velvé Casquillas, former researcher in physics (CNRS, ENS Paris) and cell biology (Curie Institute). He is the co-founder and the CEO of Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center and is the cofounder of the 10 innovative companies that constitute the NBIC valley.
Mathieu Velvé Casquillas, engineer in information systems. He is the co-founder and the operations manager of Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center and is the cofounder of the 10 innovative companies that constitute the NBIC valley.
Dr. Christophe Pannetier, polytechnician and former researcher in molecular biology (Pasteur Institute). Former director of Thales NRBC department and technical director of protection and human science at the DGA. He is today a partner and the research manager at Elvesys.