Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University, UK
Website : http://www.ncl.ac.uk/ageing/
Their efforts in the fight against aging focus on nutrition, mitochondria, regulation of senescence, genomic stability and evolutionary biology. Combining a sociological approach to the biological one, they are also interested in the questions raised by the aging population concerning the management of health systems and social care.
Institute for Healthy Aging, UCL, UK
Website :
This company focuses on the study of microbiome, genomics, bioinformatics and stem cell therapies to extend lifespan. It offers services including genomic analysis, personalized vaccines and cell therapies, and develops the Health Nucleus Program for personalized medicine
Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne, Germany
Website : http://www.age.mpg.de/institute/development/
Research Laboratories working on delaying aging extending longevity and life-span : Founded in 2008, this institute aims at improving health span with focus on : signaling through insulin/insulinlike growth factor and steroidal hormones, cellular components involved in growth control and nutrient sensing, factors regulating metabolism and function of mitochondria, mechanisms of neurodegeneration and other ageing-related diseases. Linda Partridge first co-directed this Institute.
Center for Research and Education on Aging, CA
Website : http://crea.berkeley.edu/
This institution gathers the skills of cell and molecular biologists, computational biologists, geneticists, physiologists and public health professionals to improve knowledge and understanding of aging.
Paul F. Glenn Foundation for Medical Research in aging
Website :
This foundation, which dates back to 1965, aims to promote and fund top scientific research in the field of bio- logical aging and healthspan extension. The purpose is to design interventions to extend life- and healthspan.
National Institute on Aging, NIH
As a public health organisation, they promote a healthy lifestyle that enhances longevity. They fund research on biological aging and gerontology.
Einstein Glenn Center
At the Einstein Glenn Center, researchers aim at reducing the incidence of age-related diseases and delaying or reversing cellular degeneration. They work on translational studies with resveratrol and explore potential anti-aging effects of other compounds. They promote testing on humans as a crucial step in anti-aging research.
Harvard Medical School, P. F. Glenn Laboratories for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging
This center, co-directed by David A. Sinclair, is dedicated to understanding the mechanisms of normal aging and the development of interventions to delay its onset and progression, thus extending healthspan. In 2014, Amy wagers and her team, from the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology identified a specific protein, GDF11, that might be a blood factor involved in systemic aging.
Paul F. Glenn Laboratories for Senescence Research at Mayo Clinic
This center explores how age-related diseases and disorders are affected by senescent cells and how eliminating senescent cells could improve health and extend both lifespan and healthspan. Recently, Jan van Deursen’s team conducted remarkable experiments rejuvenating old mice by eliminating senescent cells.
Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Stanford University
This center works on the biological processes that drive cellular, tissue, and organismal aging, in particular stem cell aging. Understanding how cells and tissues age will allow for the development of interventions to maintain the robustness of individuals and cut chronic diseases. In 2005, Thomas Rando showed that an elderly mouse whose bloodstream was surgically linked to a young mouse recovered its wound-healing powers.
Glenn Laboratory for the Science of Aging at MIT
Why do living things age? What are the determinants of longevity? Is it possible to extend youthfulness with genetic manipulation? MIT research analyzes these questions and conducts experiments in molecular detail. Inspired by Leonard Guarante’s discovery that SIR2 is a key regulator of longevity in both yeast and worms, they are trying to determine whether this highly-conserved gene significantly governs lifespan in mammals too.
Glenn Center For Quantitative Aging Research, Princeton
This center focuses on the development of tools and techniques to measure phenotypes that change with age. Rather than focusing on specific genetic pathways or cell types, the development of new techniques to assess behavioral changes with age in organisms will allow researchers to quantitatively assess the effects of chemical treatments or genetic modifications with age.
SALK Glenn Center for research on Aging
This center examines events underlying the aging process and how they may impact the propagation and spreading of misfolded proteins. UCSF and UCB researchers are addressing a fundamental question facing the aging field: how aging both accelerates and reciprocally is exacerbated by a loss in protein homeostasis and an increase in protein misfolding?
University of Michigan Glenn Center for Research on Aging
The UM Glenn Center explores way to translate the growing konwledge about aging to benefit people as they grow older.
Buck Institure for Research on Aging
The institute is the first American independent research facility focused solely on understanding the connection between aging and chronic disease. The Institute’s mission is to increase the healthy years of life. In particular, Dr Judith Campisi has been awarded for her work on cellular senescence.
Panorama Research and Regenerative Sciences Institute, CA
Website : http://www.regensci.org/
They are developing biotechnologies that aim to re-engineer complex biological systems, so that humans eventually can be rejuvenated. in particular, they hope to rejuvenate people through enhanced regeneration and control of cellular differentiation.
Kronos longevity research institute
This research institute conducts clinical research aimed at improving the prevention and detection of age-related diseases, as well as slowing down or reversing the aging process. Their strategy focuses mostly on hormonal treatments and antioxidants.
Longevity Institute, USC, CA
Directed by Valter Longo, this institute investigates longevity in fields of research as diverse as tissue regeneration, diet and exercise, bio-engineering, pharmacology, and age-related diseases.
Dr Guilhem Velvé Casquillas

Physics PhD, CEO NBIC Valley, CEO Long Long Life, CEO Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center
More about the Long Long Life team
Docteur en physique, CEO NBIC Valley, CEO Long Long Life, CEO Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center
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