Inside Long Long Life: the diseases of aging
Baptiste Tesson, biologist and bio-engineer, reviews his internship at Long Long Life and his work providing information...
Epigenome editing, a new anti-aging technology for longevity
Epigenetics includes all the mechanisms that regulate gene expression, namely DNA methylation, histone modifications and chromatin remodelling....
The epigenetic clock is a biomarker of aging
Epigenetic alterations, which are one of the nine hallmarks of aging, have been widely studied over the...
Part 2: Epigenetics and non-coding RNA: miRNAs and LncRNAs in the aging process
In addition to molecular causes such as DNA methylation, histone modifications and...
Reprogram skin cells with gene therapy to better heal wounds
As we age, we have more and more trouble healing. Maybe you remember superficial wounds...
Aging : Molecular mechanisms of epigenetic alteration
Epigenetics is the study of the mechanisms that act on the genome to control gene expression. Modulating gene...
Epigenetic alterations as causes of aging
Aging can be defined as all the phenomena that mark the evolution of a living organism towards death. These...
Preventing our brains from spreading Parkinson's disease using immunotherapy
As we age, the probability of reporting a neurodegenerative disease increases. Parkinson's disease is the second...
Longevity: killing death? Transhumanists in search of gained time
Op-ed piece by Didier Coeurnelle
For decades, researchers, philosophers and citizens from all walks of life have...